
时间:2023-02-06 08:21:51



Today is 61 Children's Festivals, my early gets up, eat a meal, went happily going to school, to class when, I see inside opening TV, run to class hastily inside, sit quietly to look, not a little while, the teacher calls us to move the chair, we began to move, arrived rock-bottom, I see in front placing an arena, we had moved the chair, sat to come down, before long, whole ground floor is a person, I sit inter, within an inch of is crowded flat, because the person is really too much. 61 congratulatory ceremony began, there are a few teachers on arena, still have a fellow student above speech. A little while, the classmate of Pu cropland city al ……此处隐藏168个字……rtant ah? If if want,looking from now on you attend class 4 classes to 2 years.that classmate feels very feel embarrassed, do not say to gave a word to come, the teacher says: This certificate of merit is withheld first in here, if had been behaved after you, certificate of merit sends you, if behave bad word, send expression good fellow student.classessed are over, I am returned this thing says with the person in the home in the home, everybody says: Study is good, we also want award your award.award of little mother's brother my pen box; Grandfather and grandmother award my shoe; Award of big wife of mother's brother my chocolate; A friend of big mother's brother is a teacher, his award my UFO is labyrinthian, I am too glad really.

